Clarity and Focus and growth, YEs!
It was 3:00 AM. The swirling thought was, “Why?” “What could I have done differently?” At bullet speed, it hit. “I could be wrong!” That...
Clarity and Focus and growth, YEs!
Solopreneurs, here it is: Permission to nap
Little Comforts Make My Mind Work Better
4 Ways to Enjoy More Summer!
Cultivating Silence
Surrender truly is sweet
Just Say "No"
Play is the new work
Vacation V. Travel
"Conscious Complaining"..."And Another Thing!"
Communicate through pushed buttons
Let's just feel the good ones, ok?
doing it 23,000 times per day? Try it 23,001
Gain mutual respect through accountability
Improve your focus through play
Strategy: Get Relief
Beeline Self Care
Damn The Struggle