I was looking through photos and included the above as my nephew and I are playing arm wrestling -he won....After my last post regarding play and Raz Ma Taz, my new monster puppet friend, I received many comments and curiosities!
It got me thinking,
“Am I the only one who is working a lot right now and doesn’t feel like they have a reason to take a day off, let alone play?"
I mean, my office is just a 4-step commute and I can “go out to lunch” at my very own kitchen just one flight and 15 steps down. Who should need time to play when I am home all the time? Isn’t this restful enough? I’ve come to the conclusion…
“No. Absolutely not.”
Just because we are at home working, doesn’t mean we don’t need a break.
A few signs play and a break may be helpful:
You notice an underlying grumpy feeling, an agitation that says something Charlie Brownish like “ARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!”
You are feeling depressed for no real reason (other than the obvious ones) that typically you are able to keep your head up through and simply carry on?
Have you been a little short with loved ones or yourself? (“Sorry, Honey”)
Oh, I’m not alone? Call it the winter-time blues, C-19 fatigue or just plain needing a break. Play is an escape we can take even for short bursts and the results can be plentiful! What constitutes play? Below find 4 Play Verifiers: 1) Anything that is for pure fun: there is no point to do it except for fun 2) Unstructured-meaning it is not an “accomplishment” activity (note: I play the guitar. Sometimes it has an accomplishment bent, meaning I am trying to master a chord progression or a strum pattern, other times it is simply for the enjoyment. (The latter is play. The former is enjoyable yet it is an accomplishment activity) 3) Time whisks away-Unnoticed-to take the guitar example again… doing the learning like strum patterns, I may set a timer so I get in practice time. Then intentionally I stop doing anything that is about accomplishing or has the word practice in it… that is when I notice real play starts and time stops! 4) The heart and soul are lifted: You know the feeling… the one that feels light, the one where you may laugh spontaneously and suddenly things that seemed morose seem buoyant Just thinking about that “play” feeling and some of those activities I do to play, I begin to feel it-the illusive lightness only play offers. And I know from experience, play leads to focus and renewed energy I can place on my work and my life! ”Let’s Play!” Fondly, Shelly Your Holistic Business Coach P.S. Raz Ma Taz Monster Puppet update: He plays every day...and he likes to Zoom, only it's fun with him. If you want to Zoom with Raz, please reach out and schedule it with Shelly ;-) he doesn’t “get” computers or phones, yet is happy to show his furry face when invited.