Waxy and marbled eyes gazed up at me and my bouncy Airedale.
Suddenly the crow swept onto a branch and then darted downward, landing in front of us. My dog was unphased.
Block after block our feathered friend followed. I felt unsure and a bit unnerved. What was this behavior about?
The next week I walked the same route and again, I found myself followed by not just one but a small murder of crows. They landed in the trees on low branches and then in front of us in the same procedure.
That is when I realized they were trying to see if I would toss a treat! These smart birds had discovered a process and they had a procedure for shaking down dog walkers.
It made me think of the work I do with solopreneur and business founder clients and the procedure we go through to decide if a process is in order.
Friends, Enjoy a little honey from the hive,
Love and Ease to You All,
aka the Beekeeper