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Accident Narrowly Avoided

The Beekeeper

Updated: Nov 19, 2022

Have you ever had any of these thoughts?

“Why did I take on that client?”

“This client frustrates me, and I don’t fully understand why”

“How can I enjoy the clients I work with more?”

It is inevitable that when we work with people there will be challenges. Whether it is an employee, a business partner, or a client at times these relationships can be tough.

We can always make choices about who to stay in relationship with but one where we can make a choice for certain, is who we decide to take on as clients.

When my clients run into these challenges a remedy that has been very successful is to build a reliable process for client selection. A key part of that process, is a check list.

I call it building your Pilot’s Check List. Check lists provide safety precautions and allow for conscious client selection. The result is that my clients experience more joy and satisfaction in everyday business.

Why a Pilots Check lists? Pilots use them to ensure successful flights and prevent accidents

by preventing complacency.

Check lists provide you with a well thought out safety net to prevent “accidents”, such as:

· Taking on a client that doesn’t fit with your business, your goals, or your personality.

· Continuing to work with a client that clearly doesn’t match

· Wasting time with clients that for you, are time and energy suckers

· Spending so much time and energy you can’t achieve or your goals, or the time to get there is prolonged

Developing and Utilizing Pilot Check Lists is hands down one of the best tools I work on with my clients and that they refer to as “game changers.”

Solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and founders, client selection is a big part of your business. Utilizing a checklist will help you gain momentum and achieve goals more quickly. And for a Bonus? Your daily satisfaction levels in your day-to-day actions will soar!

Ahhhh, yes, the Pilot’s Check Lists are a useful tool to make business a little easier, successful and much more peaceful.

Resources to make your life more wonderful!

The Art of Gathering How We Meet and Why It Matters by, Priya Parker-great resource for making gatherings more meaningful, purposeful and fun!

Conflict Transformation Course from Emory University via I just started this course and it is really interesting and useful! Instead of simply resolving conflict, this course teaches how to transform a conflict which also changes the course of the relationship in the process! If you ever have conflicts, this is for you!

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